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Hiya guys, my name is Darina! I'm currently 19 however I will be turning 20 in a few months, which is pretty crazy as I'm starting to realize how fast life is flying by. Currently I am a part time student at GCC though I do work full time as the customer service representative at an online women's boutique. It's not something that I would want to do forever however I do really enjoy helping people with their problems and giving advice. Also, the people I work with are absolutely amazing which makes my job even more fun! At the place I work at we get two fifteen minute breaks plus a lunch break, typically during our 15 minute breaks we like to play games. For example, ping pong, corn hole, and even spicy Uno and to be completely honest it can get pretty crazy and competitive at times.

Other than work and school I have quite a few hobbies and other commitments. For one, I absolutely love to travel!! Sad thing about traveling though is that it can take quite a bit of time and money, both of which I'm a little short on. . . However when I'm able to go out then I really enjoy it!

Here are some pictures of St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, Austria. This was one of my absolute favorite places when we visited! I just kept wanting to go back so that I could just soak in the architecture and the attention to detail. It was absolutely phenomenal and I would 100% recommend it if you ever stop in Vienna. Sadly though we could only stay in Austria for two days as it was only a pit stop on the way to visit my family in Romania.

Here's a picture of the front of Sisi's Museum in Vienna, Austria.

Here's some of my family and I riding some horses on an excursion we were able to take in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. I don't quite know how, but my parents were able to win a free trip which allowed my entire family to go and it was super awesome!

Other than traveling I really enjoy singing and was given the opportunity to join my church's worship team about three years back. Here's a link to my church's Instagram. This is actually a bit ironic as it is quite out of my comfort zone, seeing as I tend to be a bit more introverted and I don't really like attention. Like at all. I mean other than my immediate friends and family. However even though I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest every time before I get on stage I know that it's not for me or my glory and that brings me at least some peace. 

Some of my biggest pet peeves are slow walkers, slow drivers, loud noises in the morning (especially early on Saturdays), and being talked over (which I tend to have a naturally soft voice so that happens a lot...). Something that is a bit unique about me is that while I love music and singing, I really enjoy silence as well. This gives me room to sort out my thoughts without any distractions and sometimes I feel like my brain gets a little over simulated with everything going on around me so I need a little quiet. 

Well there's just a few things about myself, thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day!!💕

Have a blessed day!! 🤍

~ Darina


  1. We stayed in Vienna for some time over the summer and it was beautiful. How I miss sitting in the squares eating or having a coffee! I share your pet peeves, especially slow walkers and noise in the morning, I hate mornings to be honest.


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