#1 Blogs, Approved or Not Approved?


So far... I'd say approved! Well at least reading them. Personally I have very little experience with blogs excluding the fact that recipes on Pinterest typically take you to food blogs when you click on them. However writing a blog I can't say that I have formed much of an opinion on this matter yet as this is only my second entry... ever. 😅

While looking around for blogs that peaked my interest I did find some here and there that partially peaked my interest however I did want to leave a fair review so I looked up blogs for the topic that interested me the most: My Faith.

The first blog I found was Life as a Dare, this is the blog of  a married, 21 year-old, collage student named Rebecca Danielle Lindenbach. The first thing that stood out to me about Rebecca's blog were the bright colors. The colors automatically brought a younger tone to her blog without being too overwhelming and really just leaves a good first impression.

Following Rebecca's blog I discovered the blog Boundless. This blog, while organized, the layout reminds me more of a News website with so many different options, just on the first page. Now, on this blog, the content itself I don't mind in the least however the aesthetic does deter me quite a bit.

Finally the third blog I visited was Recklessly Alive by Seam Eaton. This one was probably my favorite as it had the most distinctive topic as well as some cool features. For example if you scroll most of the way down you will see Sean's blog entries and next to the dates you will see each blogs estimated reading time. I found this pretty awesome!! 

So… yeah! Blogs are pretty cool and it looks like they don’t just help the people that read them but also the writers. From all the ones that I’ve read the writers all seem very passionate about their topics and I’m sure that in a way their blogs are a sort of therapy. It’s like talking to a friend about your day, your passions, your interests and I’m sure that they feel lighter after every blog. 

Have a blessed day!! 🤍

~ Darina


  1. hey Darina I can definitely agree with you, the layout of Recklessly Alive was very neat and interesting as well as their images

  2. Hello Darina!

    I liked that you noted about the colors on the Life As A Dare blog. I also checked it out and I agree. Color is a very sensitive thing that I love to use, but had to learn that MORE color isn't always better, especially in professional setting. I do like this light blue background that you chose for your blog though! Nice to have fellow Christian's in this class as well!

  3. I definitely agree with your statement, blogs are really a great form to express yourself. And I would to add that in some instances blogs tend to misinform the audience. It's shocking how people are carelessly misinforming their audience.


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