#6: Tithing


Tithe: One tenth of annual produce or earnings

“A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD; it is holy to the LORD.” - Leviticus 27:30 NIV

Tithing is a very controversial topic in both the Worldly world and the Christian world. Many see it as giving money to the church or in a very negative view. However, God asks us to give 10% of our income. The way I understand it is that God created and provided everything for us. He gave us our lungs to breathe, our hearts to beat, and our minds to think. On top of all of that we were given free will. We are not forced to believe in Him or worship Him. It’s a choice. 

Christian: Little Christ

Before being a Christian we are servants of the world but when we give our lives to God then we become His servants. Tithing is a symbol of trusting Him. It’s not a symbol of trusting man because man will fail time and time again no matter what. So when we tithe we are just giving a little back of what is essentially God’s. He doesn't need your money. He just wants you to have faith and trust in Him however even so it's a choice. God is a gentleman and He will not impose His way.

Have a blessed day!! 🤍

~ Darina


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